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Believers Alerted to New Ageism & Secular Humanism
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Principles of Biblical Worship which Affect Praise and Music by Rev A Foster.
To most Christians today the words “worship” and “praise” are synonymous. ( Read more....... )
C.S LEWIS: SEMI-PAGAN ROMANTIC (published with the kind permission of Professor Bruce W.Davidson)
Introduction In a tribute to his fame and influence, C. S. Lewis appeared on the cover of Time magazine’s issue for September 3, 1947....
The Old Paths
“Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall...
John Piper- Beware of his false teaching on Justification by Faith Alone!
John Piper is known for Scriptural and doctrinal views that anyone who loves the truth of the Bible should be concerned about, especially...
A psychological worldview encompasses how people think about themselves and others in terms of who they are, how they act and feel, why...
Global Ecumenism: The High Road to Trampling Truth Underfoot
Global Ecumenism is an unbiblical movement based upon and centered around “unity.” But just what type of unity is this? (Read more.....)
THE SHACK and Universal Reconciliation: Part 3 - The Theological Implications
Writing from the standpoint of being a one time “theological buddy” of Paul Young, author of The Shack, James De Young notes that the...
THE SHACK and Universal Reconciliation: Relationship, Rules and Reconciliation (Part 1)
Reconciliation means a change in “relationship.”[2] The need for reconciliation presupposes estrangement between two parties (read...
The Erosion of Christian Values in Church and Nation
Great Britain was once considered to be great nation under God, because of its worldwide influence in spreading the Christian gospel....
Modernise or Perish!
A movement is creeping through evangelical and reformed churches these days. It is gathering pace as we near the 21st century. “The...
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