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  B.A.N.A.S.H. ​


Believers Alerted to New Ageism & Secular Humanism

What we Believe: Welcome

What we Believe


i. We believe in the Divine Verbal Inspiration and Absolute Authority of the Old and New Testaments and regard these to be the Complete Word of God.  We hold exclusively to the King James Version of the Bible believing it to be the most authentic and accurate translation from the original Old and New Testaments.



ii. We believe there is but One True and Living God, yet in the Godhead, there are Three Persons - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, all equal in Power and Glory.



iii. We believe in the Eternal Sonship of Jesus Christ, His Virgin Birth, and His Eternal Divinity.


iv. We believe in the need for the work of The Holy Spirit for Regeneration and Sanctification.  The Born Again Believer must continue to be infilled with the Holy Spirit to enable them to live and witness for the Lord Jesus Christ.



v. We believe that the perfect life of the Lord Jesus Christ, His substitutionary death and His resurrection from the dead on behalf of sinners, is the only means of Salvation obtainable by Grace alone, through Faith alone, in Christ alone. 



vi. We believe that God has appointed besides the Word and prayer, the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper as a means of grace whereby His redeemed people are edified and built up in their most Holy Faith.



vii. We believe in the Visible and Personal Return of the Lord Jesus Christ to this earth at the end of this age.  At this time the dead in Christ will arise to meet Him in the air and those Saints alive at His return will also meet Him in the air.  The Lord will at this time establish His Kingdom visibly on earth to reign over all the earth in Righteousness for 1000 years, after which shall be set up the Great White Throne of judgment in the heavens for the judgment of "...the dead, small and great..." (Revelation 20:12). 

What we Believe: Who We Are

A Gospel Message

Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners

What we Believe: What We Do

Contact B.A.N.A.S.H.

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