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Believers Alerted to New Ageism & Secular Humanism

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What is Secular Humanism?

Secularism refers to a world view that excludes God and religion and places emphasis on the temporal and materialism.1

Dr. Alan Cairns warns of the danger of secularism within the church and states that it "redefines the Gospel, the mission of the church, and the manner and sphere of Christian life in terms of social action and human relationships. It is worldliness, fulfilling the old saying, I looked for the church and found it in the world; I looked for the world and found it in the church".2

Humanism"describes the pursuit of purely human interests and ideals, usually considered apart from and antagonistic to any idea of God or His intervention in human affairs". 3

Secular Humanism therefore can be described as a world view that denies the existence of a sovereign God but promotes human self-sufficiency and the pursuit of self-gratification; in short it is the religion of self worship.   

Many secular humanists believe that because man has an inbuilt potential for self improvement, society will ultimately improve and reach new heights of knowledge as time progresses. 

Humanists also believe that nature is an eternal and self-perpetuating force. These views are so akin to New Age beliefs that they are virtually identical.   Huxley states that atheism leads most Secular Humanists to adopt ethical relativism, that is the belief that no absolute moral code exists, and therefore man must adjust his ethical standards in each situation according to his own judgment. If God does not exist, then He cannot establish an absolute moral code. 4

Humanist Max Hocutt says that human beings "may, and do, make up their own rules... Morality is not discovered; it is made."5

Humanism and New Ageism similarities are outlined in the following comparisons: 

Man as god:

  • New Ageism - Man is his own deity and as such is capable of solving his own problems and chartering his own destiny.

  • Secular Humanism - Man has an inbuilt potential for self-improvement.


  • New Ageism - Man is reborn over and over again in recurring births, i.e. reincarnation. 

  • Secular Humanism - nature is an eternal and self-perpetuating force

Age of Enlightenment:

  • New Ageism - When the ‘critical mass’ of people achieve their full potential, there will be planetary transformation and a new age of ‘enlightenment’ (Age of Aquarius) will be ushered in.  

  • Secular Humanism - Society will improve and reach new heights of knowledge as time progresses   

Needless to say that there is no evidence to back up the Secular Humanist’s claim that societies are improving throughout the world; on the contrary, despite material prosperity and scientific progression, human societies are quite obviously spiralling downward into an abyss of moral decay! However when the Antichrist makes his appearance on the world stage in the not too distant future, it is very probable that the vast majority of people on this earth will be deceived into thinking that a new ‘age of enlightenment’ has dawned!   There is no new thing under the sun and many times since Adam’s fall there have been those who have displayed the spirit of Antichrist by their denial of the existence of God.

“Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.” 1John 2:22

As the end of this age approaches, the discerning Christian will be aware of the ever increasing spirit of antichrist, which has been present in the world since the early New Testament Church (1 John 4:3), and will at its zenith usher in the Antichrist’s appearance on the world stage. The infiltration of this spirit will impact on all areas of life, including the professing church, but should not take the discerning Christian by surprise nor cause them to despair. The Believers reaction should be to:  “Hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for faithful He is that promised;) And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and good works: Not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as the manner of some is: but exhorting one another, as ye see that day approaching.” Hebrews 10:23-25 


1. R.E. Allen, R. Ed, (1990) The Concise English Dictionary; Oxford University Press. p.1093  

2. Dr Alan Cairns, (1998) Dictionary of Theological Terms; (Ambassador)  p. 338

3. Abid; p.337

4. Julian Huxley, (1988) as cited in Roger E. Greely, ed., The Best of Humanism (Buffalo: Prometheus Books), pp. 194-5.

5. Max Hocutt, (1980) Towards an Ethic of Mutual Accommodation, in Humanist Ethics, ed. Morris B. Storer (Buffalo: Prometheus Books), p. 137.

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