‘Mindfulness’ - A Dangerous Deceit of the Devil (Parts 1, 2 & 3)Part 1: What is Mindfulness & Should Christians Practice it? Mindfulness is a relatively new therapeutic meditative relaxation technique...
Sanctification: Are Christian’s made Holy Through the Practice of Spiritual Disciplines?The practice of Spiritual Disciplines as a means of advancing a Christian’s growth in grace or sanctification have recently made a...
Global Ecumenism: The High Road to Trampling Truth UnderfootGlobal Ecumenism is an unbiblical movement based upon and centered around “unity.” But just what type of unity is this? (Read more.....)
Contemplative Prayer: A most Unscriptural PracticeContemplative prayer is a meditative prayer method that has recently experienced a renaissance; this particular ‘prayer’ technique is...
A Critique of 'Prayer' by Timothy KellerAccording to the book jacket of Prayer (November 2014), Timothy Keller has written this book to “give instruction and guidance in how to...
Research: Spiritual FormationSpiritual formation is the process of apparent spiritual development through engaging in a set of behaviours, termed disciplines....
Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is Teaching Spiritual FormationIn October 2013, the Editors of B.A.N.A.S.H.published an article on their blog entitled Reformed Theologian recommends a book on...
Eyewitness account of the 2015 Parliament of World ReligionsThe 2015 Parliament of the World's Religions was held October 15-19 in Salt Lake City, Utah. They estimated over fourteen thousand people...
Madame Guyon: Catholic, Mystic, Apostate.The writings of Madame Guyon (1648-1717) are very popular today in evangelical, charismatic, and ecumenical circles. Guyon was a Roman...
Comparisons between Contemplative Prayer and Biblical PrayerIn last month's blog posting, we highlighted the recommendation of a book by a well known reformed theologian entitled ‘Soul Recreation’...