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Believers Alerted to New Ageism & Secular Humanism
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‘Mindfulness’ - A Dangerous Deceit of the Devil (Parts 1, 2 & 3)
Part 1: What is Mindfulness & Should Christians Practice it? Mindfulness is a relatively new therapeutic meditative relaxation technique...
Sanctification: Are Christian’s made Holy Through the Practice of Spiritual Disciplines?
The practice of Spiritual Disciplines as a means of advancing a Christian’s growth in grace or sanctification have recently made a...
Global Ecumenism: The High Road to Trampling Truth Underfoot
Global Ecumenism is an unbiblical movement based upon and centered around “unity.” But just what type of unity is this? (Read more.....)
Contemplative Prayer: A most Unscriptural Practice
Contemplative prayer is a meditative prayer method that has recently experienced a renaissance; this particular ‘prayer’ technique is...
A Critique of 'Prayer' by Timothy Keller
According to the book jacket of Prayer (November 2014), Timothy Keller has written this book to “give instruction and guidance in how to...
Research: Spiritual Formation
Spiritual formation is the process of apparent spiritual development through engaging in a set of behaviours, termed disciplines....
Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary is Teaching Spiritual Formation
In October 2013, the Editors of B.A.N.A.S.H.published an article on their blog entitled Reformed Theologian recommends a book on...
Eyewitness account of the 2015 Parliament of World Religions
The 2015 Parliament of the World's Religions was held October 15-19 in Salt Lake City, Utah. They estimated over fourteen thousand people...
Madame Guyon: Catholic, Mystic, Apostate.
The writings of Madame Guyon (1648-1717) are very popular today in evangelical, charismatic, and ecumenical circles. Guyon was a Roman...
Comparisons between Contemplative Prayer and Biblical Prayer
In last month's blog posting, we highlighted the recommendation of a book by a well known reformed theologian entitled ‘Soul Recreation’...
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